A Wheelie For Every Occasion

A Wheelie For Every Occasion

A Wheelie For Every Occasion

We sell wheelie bins to all kinds of customers across the UK. From local authorities in Yorkshire to individual homes in the Cotswolds, the hospitals of Wales to schools across Aberdeenshire - our customers range from individuals who require an extra bin, to organisations in need of hundreds at a time. That’s why we keep our prices low, our delivery fast, and our service top-notch at all times.

A particularly popular choice is a classic product with exceptional value. We sell sets of twenty-eight brand new 140-litre blue wheelie bins for just £812. This deal is chosen by many offices, warehouses and universities due to the large amount of waste paper produced, but we’ve even been contacted by residents of a close-knit neighbourhood who required extra wheelies and clubbed together to get a great deal.


Bulk Wheelie Bin Purchase


Another instance of making the most of this bulk order is if you’ve received funding for setting up a local litter pick. Many local authorities use blue wheelie bins for mixed recyclables, making ours the perfect type for using as part of a community group dedicated to cleaning up the streets. For tips on setting up a litter picking group, check out this blog post.

And then of course there are local authorities, which are our most frequent taker-upper of such a fine and dandy bulk bargain. Ever wondered where your council-provided wheelie bins come from? A huge amount across the nation come from us, as we have an excellent reputation through guaranteeing the lowest prices, delivery within 2-3 working days,  and all domestic, trade and public sector email enquiries being replied to within one hour.

Naturally, if twenty blue wheelie bins isn’t for you, we have a wide range of other products. Maybe you’d prefer a single 240-litre brown wheelie bin for your garden waste, or a whopping 1,100-litre monster on wheels for large projects and heavy daily usage. Or perhaps you need something quite specific, such as a bright red wheelie bin for a doctors’ surgery, or a range of bottle bins for your bar. Whatever your requirements, we have you covered.

Get in touch on 01684 292727 or email us at sales@wheeliebins.co.uk and we’ll help you find exactly what you need in no time at all, and for an amazing price!