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Bins Are No Place For Pet Rats!

Bins Are No Place For Pet Rats!

Bins Are No Place for Pet Rats


It was only last month that we posted a rat-related bin blog, which looked at a snake owner who wanted an extra wheelie bin specifically for rodent carcasses. (Seriously, it’s a true story; check our archive.) Though a strange and unique story, at least it was simply a resident requesting something that would aid his waste management; there was nothing wicked about the circumstances. This week, however, an unsavoury individual deposited a box containing eleven live rats outside a block of flats in Edinburgh, which is a different matter altogether.

Now, regardless as to one’s personal feelings toward vermin, no animal should be left to die. In the event that there are pests in the house, many do choose to use lethal devices rather than preventative methods, which is their prerogative. But these rats were either unwanted pets or intruders that were caught, with their handler then wiping their hands clean of the animals’ fate. Either way, it’s the total lack of respect and sentiment toward the creatures that’s so upsetting; simply leaving them to die in a box.


Pet Rats


Luckily, a member of the public discovered the ratties and informed the Scottish SPCA (Scotland’s animal welfare charity) of the situation. The innocent little dudes are now being cared for by the organisation’s Angus, Fife and Tayside Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre near Dundee. The four boys and seven girls will be allocated new homes, hopefully ones that actually want them and won’t feed them to pythons.

Sadly, if animals are going to be left anywhere, bins are often the place you’ll find them. If you ever locate abandoned creatures, you should get in contact with a professional organisation immediately. You can contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 or, if you’re in Scotland, the Scottish SPCA on 0300 0999 999. There’s also the ISPCA in Ireland, 1890 515 515. Let’s keep the bins outside of the home, and little fluffy creatures safe and warm inside it.

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